Journalists and puppeteers

I have a new friend, she’s a puppeteer and very funny and sweet. Her name is Eva van Heijningen. We were already practising once with her Maxima and Willem-Alexander puppets. About this you will hear and see more in the near future.

Pau Grijpma Eva van Heijningne (3)She brought her partner to the World in a Shell, journalist Paul Grijpma. I understand why she likes him. He’s bright and boyish and we had a  good laugh together. We were talking about journalism and journalists and how to put the ‘Future Pollination Lab’ and the complex and thrilling story of Hans Kalliwoda in ’the’ news. What news? Good news? For sure. Do we need thousands of people to pass by and ask thousands of irrelevant questions? No, we want people here who can contribute, who can add something positive to this piece of intervention art, or at least people who can put it into the right context…. Which is…Curious what will come out of this meeting.